Top 50 Important Shortcut Keys which is most used by graphic designer during Designing at CorelDraw Application

Top 50 Important Shortcut Keys which is most used by graphic designer during Designing at CorelDraw Application

Certainly! Here’s a post about 50 important shortcut keys that are frequently used by graphic designers when working with CorelDRAW, a popular graphic design application:

Mastering Keyboard Shortcuts in CorelDRAW for Effortless Designing
Graphic designers often find themselves working on intricate projects that demand both speed and precision. One way to boost efficiency and streamline your workflow in CorelDRAW is by mastering keyboard shortcuts. These handy shortcuts can save you valuable time and make your design process smoother. Here are 50 essential keyboard shortcuts every graphic designer should know when using CorelDRAW:
Basic Navigation and Selection:
1. Ctrl + N: New document.
2. Ctrl + O: Open an existing document.
3. Ctrl + S: Save your work.
4. Ctrl + P: Print your design.
5. Ctrl + C: Copy selected objects.
6. Ctrl + X: Cut selected objects.
7. Ctrl + V: Paste copied or cut objects.
8. Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
9. Ctrl + Y: Redo the last undone action.
10. Ctrl + A: Select all objects on the current page.
11. Shift + click: Add to the selection.
12. Ctrl + Shift + click: Subtract from the selection.
13. Ctrl + D: Duplicate the selected object(s).
14. Ctrl + G: Group selected objects.
15. Ctrl + U: Ungroup objects.
Text and Typography:
16. Ctrl + T: Create text.
17. F8: Convert selected text to curves.
18. Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase font size.
19. Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease font size.
20. Ctrl + B: Apply bold formatting.
21. Ctrl + I: Apply italic formatting.
22. Ctrl + U: Apply underline formatting.
23. Ctrl + L: Align text left.
24. Ctrl + R: Align text right.
25. Ctrl + E: Align text center.
26. Ctrl + J: Justify text.
27. Ctrl + Shift + C: Convert text to artistic text.
Object Manipulation:
28. Ctrl + R: Rotate selected object(s).
29. Ctrl + D: Duplicate selected object(s).
30. Ctrl + PgUp: Move object(s) forward.
31. Ctrl + PgDn: Move object(s) backward.
32. Ctrl + Shift + G: Break apart a group.
33. Ctrl + I: Mirror horizontally.
34. Ctrl + Shift + I: Mirror vertically.
35. Ctrl + Shift + Q: Convert to curves.
36. Ctrl + B: Apply blend.
37. Ctrl + Shift + F: Fill object with a color.
38. Ctrl + Shift + O: Outline object.
39. Ctrl + Shift + F3: PowerClip selected object(s).
40. Ctrl + Shift + N: Clear object formatting.
Document and Page Management:
41. Ctrl + PageUp: Switch to the previous page.
42. Ctrl + PageDn: Switch to the next page.
43. Ctrl + L: Lock selected object(s).
44. Ctrl + Shift + L: Unlock selected object(s).
45. Ctrl + Shift + D: Insert a new page.
46. Ctrl + Shift + R: Remove the current page.
47. Ctrl + 1: Zoom to 100%.
48. Ctrl + 0 (zero): Fit the page to the window.
49. Ctrl + +: Zoom in.
50. Ctrl + -: Zoom out.
By incorporating these keyboard shortcuts into your workflow, you’ll navigate CorelDRAW with greater ease and efficiency. Whether you’re a seasoned graphic designer or just starting out, these shortcuts will help you create stunning designs with speed and precision. Happy designing!
#GraphicDesign #CorelDRAW #KeyboardShortcuts #Efficiency

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